Monday, April 10, 2006

How Long Dog Found Her Mom

First things first - that's me in the picture right over, not the redhead! That's my mom, Heather - she thinks she rescued me, but really, I found her - I'm the black and tan and brown one behind the bars. That was taken the day mom came looking for love in all the right places :-) and found me at the shelter. When she took me into the playroom to see if we would get along okay, I tucked myself right under her legs, and that was it. She melted. And now I live with her, and my big sister Murphy (she's old and fat and lazy - more about her later), and my brother Gus (he's a cat - I love to chase him and freak him out).
So anyway, we've been a family for, like, 4-1/2 months now, and it's pretty cool. I was a little rough around the edges, having lived out in the streets for a while (I don't know how long - it was sort of traumatic and all, living out of garbage cans and fending off the wild racoons and feral cats). But I'm getting pretty civilized, and my mom thinks I'm gonna be a great dog someday. I'll keep ya posted on how that's going...

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Long Dog has a very good mommy who is bright, funny, intelligent and a pushover for puppies, or kitties, or birdies, or small furry mammals. What a lucky mom!