Thursday, February 15, 2007

Still here...and longer than ever!

 Hey everybody, my mom's been super busy lately, and she's neglected her dictation duties. Well, we're back...and I'm longer (and cuter!) than ever :-)
I celebrated my 2nd birthday roundabout the first of the year, and I guess I still have a lot to learn. I hear Mom tell her friends that I'm still a puppy, and that I probably still have a couple of years before I start to act like a big dog. 
Oh, well. 
Sometimes I just can't help myself, like today when I jumped after my favorite 
toy (a tennis -ball dumbbell thingy that the squeaky ones), and left a big 
muddy pawprint on her new shirt.
Or like yesterday, when we were coming home from a walk, and I saw one of the neighborhood kitties, and I wanted to play with him, so I tried to run over to see him...and I just about broke her finger...I really do try!
On the good side, she does always tell me what a good dog I am, and how cute I am, and she
gives me lots of cookies and tummy rubs. I really am a good dog :-)